It’s lacks consistency.

Yes, consistency.

It’s what I observe with other small business owners and entrepreneurs.

Marketing is treated as optional and it shouldn’t be.

There are no ‘breaks’ in marketing. If you start, you shouldn’t stop. defines Consistency as; steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, etc

Do you ever wonder why well established, billion-dollar brands like Apple, Google, Amazon and others, steadfastly adhere to executing their marketing plan?

Because they want to get before their audiences EVERY single day. They also know that consistency is the key to be known, liked and trusted!

Consistency is the Queen Bee.

If it didn’t work, they wouldn’t spend millions of dollars every year to market their products and services.

Plus, its a proven strategy to stay top of mind so when prospects are ready to buy, your name and message are already sealed into their sub conscious.

If billion-dollar companies see the value and enjoy the pay-off in being, consistent, why wouldn’t you?

Let’s explore 3 important reasons why I believe you should be steadfast with your marketing.

 1. Establishes Name ID. Brand Recognition

When you create consistency with your marketing, your customers and prospects are significantly more likely to buy from you because you’ve built awareness and established name identification.

Of course, you already know this, but it bears repeating. The first step in the customer journey is Awareness. It doesn’t matter how great a product or service you have, if you aren’t getting before the right audience, you are unknown.

I bet you can immediately identify the well-known brand with the little green lizard.

I give you a minute…

How about Flow in the white and blue?

Why is that so?

To put it bluntly, they are always in our faces. Buried in our sub conscious for sure.

 2. Develops Trust

Would you trust a friend, family member or business associate who routinely ignores texts messages, breaks your plans or reneges on promises?

Chances are you wouldn’t. 


Because they have become unreliable. You’d be hard pressed to put your head on the block for him.

Prospects and customers want dependability and trustworthiness. They want to believe you will do what you say and when you say. 

Whether that’s keeping deadlines, delivering content routinely or staying true to promises and commitments.

People buy from people; not brick walls.

They also buy from (or are likely to buy from) those they know, like and trust. 

Have you ever transacted business with someone you didn’t trust?

 3. Makes You Unforgettable

 “Wayfair, you got just what I need.” is the very catchy Wayfair jingle. I know it. I sing along when I see the ads or when I see any brand identification..

That’s because I’ve heard it so many times; it has become unforgettable.

It’s true – the more you see, hear and experience something, the more likely you’ll remember.

It’s the power of repetition.

Depending on who you talk to or what you read, it’s touted that it takes anywhere between 18 and 66 days to learn new (good) habits.

It’s the consistency that creates the habit.

Therefore, when you consistently execute on your marketing, it makes you unforgettable and familiar.

Therein lies the key to successful marketing – being unforgettable and consistent.

And small businesses cannot afford to take a ‘break’ from marketing.

You know what will happen if you break up with your marketing? The hunk of a competitor steals the girl – your prospects and customers!

It’s simple and true.

The difference between those who find success and those who do not is consistency.

Staying the course.

Being patient.

If you value dependability, consistency and trust, so do those who buy from you.

Give your small business wings.

Remain consistent with your marketing; don’t break-up.