As a small business owner, if you don’t have one, now is the time to put a marketing plan in place to take advantage of the busy holiday season.
My crystal ball tells me that it’s going to get pretty hectic.
So let me ask: Is your marketing in place to take advantage of the opportunities?
Speaking of opportunities, there is one RIGHT NOW that should be on your radar.
- Sales
- Marketing
- Customer Care
- And MUCH More
Nope, it’s not hype, neither is it the next shiny object.
It’s revolutionary in the same way the internet and email were.
Smart business owners like you are catching the first wave, jumping in and achieving amazing results.
Do you want to know what that is?
Drum roll please….
Here it is:
It’s called chat marketing.
About chat marketing

Chat marketing is what it sounds like: a marketing channel that connects prospects and customers to brands and businesses over (chat) messaging apps and/or platforms like Facebook Messenger, SMS (text), Google RBM (rich business messaging) and so on.
These apps or platforms are usually powered by artificial intelligence (AI)
Most if not ALL of us are already using some form of chat technology everyday – whether that’s a text, WhatsApp or iMessage.
And some of us do it more often than we care to admit.
Some staggering stats

These are some staggering stats per Mikael Yang at the recent Conversations 2019:
- Over 2.5 billion people use messaging apps
- By 2022 there will be 3 billion messaging app users
- 87% of smartphone users use mobile messaging apps
- Mobile messaging apps are bigger than social networks
He also reminded us that the way people connect with businesses always mirror the way people connect with each other.
The trend towards messaging app is clear. The shift is happening.
People find messaging more convenient and it merges seamlessly with our hectic lifestyle.
The 4th Revolution

Modern society has gained significant advancement over several centuries, moving from one revolution to another.
These advancements opened many opportunities for action takers and visionaries. Many in turn became millionaires and billionaires.
If you’ll recall, the:
- 1st Revolution or Agrarian Revolution, moved us from hand to machine and brought steam and electricity
- 2nd Revolution or Industrial revolution transitioned us to assembly lines and mass production
- 3rd Revolution or Digital Revolution took us from analog to digital (computerization, internet, automation, etc)
- And now, according to Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum we are moving quickly into the 4th Revolution or Industry 4.0.
Experts suggest that what separates the 3rd from the 4th is how quickly technology changes and how its merges more and more with our lives.
Smart comes to my mind – smartphones, smart watches, smart homes, smart factories, smart hospitals – you name it – it’s smart!
In the 4th Revolution we are able to combine the physical, digital and biological worlds.
Never before, has there been greater potential to connect billions more people to the web and drastically improve business efficiency.
Everything is moving faster and faster. Consider this progression:
- It took 75 years for 100 million people to adopt the telephone
- It took 2 years for Instagram to sign-up 100 million users
- It took 1 month for Pokemon Go to sign-up 100 million players
This means, your prospects and customers also expect you to move faster, provide quicker answers, and solve their problems on demand.
And if you don’t; your competitors will.
Will you take action?

The future won’t wait because you aren’t ready.
The future belongs to those who recognize the trends, seize the opportunities and take action.
As I see it, chat marketing is one of those trends that must not be ignored.
It’s not hype, it’s truly revolutionary and a game changer for your business
Stay ahead or lag behind?
Your choice.